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Our Partners

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MYVISTA is a not-for-profit organisation and a registered charity that actively supports the communities it serves. While MYVISTA remains an ethnic specialist aged care service provider, their ethnic diversity has broadened and accommodates individuals from all cultural backgrounds. MYVISTA currently provide care and accommodation to people from many countries of origin and their multicultural spirit continues to show through in their staff mix.

ECU Women in Business

Women in Business is a student-run university club founded in 2017 which runs under ECU’s School of Business and Law. They strive to eliminate gender inequality and discrimination in workplaces and plan to expand our focus to other diversity groups in the future. They endeavor to provide students with opportunities and skills, which enable them to utilize innovative thinking and see their own potential in revolutionizing future industries.

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The Chung Wah Community and Aged Care

William Street Family Therapy Centre

The Therapy Centre have a  professional, internationally-renowned and experienced team led by Clinical Psychologist Aldo Gurgone offers a broad range of counselling, courses, teaching and training services, along with support products aimed at improving relationships as well as being a Training Centre of Excellence in Family, Couple and Individual Therapy.

Chung Wah Community & Aged Care (CAC) has been providing the highest standard of care and enriching the quality of life for the aged and disabled community, particularly for people from diverse cultural and language background. They strive to improve the quality of life of people from diverse background who are in need of care.


Engaging Young Leader on Aged Care &

The Engaging Young Leaders on Aged Care and Community Boards Program develops young leaders (under 40 years) and creates opportunities for them to succeed on Boards of Governance in the aged care and community sector. Their mission is to create a world class aged care and community sector underpinned by strong Board governance and leadership which is young (includes Directors under 40 years of age), diverse, intergenerational, collective and successive.

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Ethical Capital 
Ethical Capital is a boutique funds management firm specializing in Australian listed equities, with a strong focus on ROI and investment fundamentals, driven by the philosophy that ethical investments are in the best interests of investors, society and the globe as well as overlay an ethical filter focusing on ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) criteria which assures investors that their money will only be invested in ethical industries and companies. 


Your Story Disability Legal Support
Your Story Disability Legal Support empowers people with disability to safely share their story with the Disability Royal Commission and connect with local support services. We work in partnership with communities to deliver a person centred, trauma-informed and culturally safe legal service.


NAATI is an Australian wide standards organisation responsible for setting, maintaining and promoting high professional standards for translators and interpreters.


Centre for Capability and Culture


The Centre for Capability and Culture, led by Mary Gurgone, helps people to develop their skills in negotiating difference, ensuring alignment and driving performance. 

With her team, Mary has a record of successfully developing cultural capability across the workforce, applying training programs and advisory services relevant for the context – the type of organisation, the level of seniority and the experience of participants.  She embeds cultural capability development across the entire organisation. Inclusive workforce practices, leadership and management development and strategic support are the foundation stones for building organisational cultural competence for increasing performance outcomes.

Mary and her team enable effective collaboration and communication in diverse and global workplaces. They have led the development of succesful diversity and inclusion programs for public, private and community sector organisations.

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