Webinar Information
Migrant Aged Care Jobs
Forum for Graduates (Across Diciplines)
The Association for Culturally Appropriate Services (AfCAS) in partnership with the ECU Women in Business (ECU WIB) are delighted to invite you to a jobs forum that may kick-start your career in one of the strongest areas of job growth.
Come to the Migrant Aged Care Jobs Forum for Graduates (Across Disciplines) to network and hear from senior staff from four aged care providers, specifically Juniper, MYVISTA, Chung Wah Community Aged Care and Umbrella.
The Forum Includes:
- The CEO or senior representative of each organisation providing an overview of key culturally appropriate services provided in their organisations and the kinds of jobs that are in demand in the foreseeable future in their organisations​
- An employee of each organisation with diverse qualifications providing an overview of how they obtained their job in the organisation and the job-satisfaction and challenges of working in aged care​
- Question and answer sessions with the presenters​
- Personal discussions with the presenters and other aged care representatives​
- A chance to grow your network and gain exposure to potential job opportunities.​