Speakers at the Seminar on: Language services on better care of migrant seniors
Andrea King
BAppSci Physio, M Physio (Neuro Rehab); Allied Health Manager, Brightwater Care Group.
Andrea is a physiotherapist, with decades of clinical and rehabilitation and Late Effects of Disability. For the last 4 years Andrea has led the Allied Health group at Brightwater, during significant change and growth in the sector and organisation – navigating Allied Health through the incoming current Aged Care Standards, NDIS Quality and Safeguarding, covid 19 pandemic, and Royal Commissions. Andrea is a Board Director for Meaningful Ageing Australia, member of the ECU Neuro Rehab Consultative Committee and Australasian College of Health Management.
Senior Migrants in Residential Aged Care – what are the challenges for them and the workforce? The Brightwater experience, including:
Workforce experience
Understanding cultural nuances
Day to day support
Gaps in knowledge
Joansy King
Chief Executive Officer (KWA) Senior Case Manager (MSCWA) MBA candidate (AIM)
Co-founded the Karen Welfare Association of WA in 1996. Demonstrated advanced leadership skills through current CEO and former Vice President duties of the Karen Welfare Association of WA Inc. Chair of the Karen New Year Celebration Committee. Co-Chair and Co-founder of the Australia Karen Social Services Network since 2011. Co-Founder of the Karen Baptist Community Church, Western Australia in 1996. MBA candidate at the Australian Institute of Management.
She has experience as a Senior Case Manager, with the Multicultural Services Centre of WA since 2006. Her language skills include Karen and Burmese.
Joansy will share her experiences with supporting migrant seniors stay home, including the support needed by their families and communities.
Evelyna Mbimbi
In progress: Bachelor of Arts majoring in Community Development & International Aid Development
Evelyna (Eve) Mbimbi is the Encompass Aged Care Coordinator at Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre (MMRC). Eve is a first-generation African -Australian woman born in South Sudan. She emigrated to Australia in 2003 as a refugee. This firsthand experience with her family moving to Australia gave Eve the unique edge in understating and providing support to the CaLD communities MMRC serves. Eve previously worked in the aged care industry for ten years before her role with MMRC. She is currently furthering her studies at Murdoch University, studying a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Community Development and International Aid Development.
Eve will share her experiences on the impact of language in CaLD communities including the Common issues faced by CaLD communities when accessing language services such as the phone interpreter services, dialect options and the complexities of language.
What is NAATI?
NAATI is a not for profit company and the national standards and certifying authority for translators and interpreters in Australia. It is the only organisation to issue certification to practitioners who wish to work in this profession in Australia. Our certification system provides quality assurance and confidence to people who rely on these services to participate effectively in our society.
Kym MCDowell
Regional Operations Manager for NAATI in Western Australia
Kym is the Regional Operations Manager for NAATI in Western Australia. She has been in the role for 18 months and loves her job because she gets to work with a diverse range of people. Kym has a particular interest in working with Aboriginal community and is co-Chair of the NAATI Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group. She is also learning German… sehr langsam!
Kym will provide insights into certification for interpreters and translators as well the qualification available for bi-lingual workers. She will share some important insights into the different ways in which the two differently qualified categories may be best utilised by aged care providers without compromising the migrant seniors’ well-being.
Jennifer Cvetkovski
Senior Account Manager - Client Liaison, Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National)
Jennifer Cvetkovski is a Senior Account Manager with the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National). Jennifer currently manages TIS National’s Commonwealth Government and Non-Government (NGO) portfolio of clients. Jennifer works closely with service providers in the aged care sector promoting access to interpreting services and demonstrating how to work effectively with interpreters.
Jennifer will focus on how to work effectively with interpreters. She will provide information on how to Access TIS National, including:
Overview of TIS National
About TIS National Services
Types of funded Aged Care programs available
Working effectively with interpreters
Mary Gurgone
Master of Business; BA; Teacher’s Higher Certificate; Cert 4 in TAE; GAICD
Association for Culturally Appropriate Services (AfCAS)
Mary Gurgone, Director of the Centre for Capability and Culture, has extensive experience in the Government, private sector, and community. As Director of the WA Partners In Culturally Appropriate Care (2016-2020), she supported ethnic care providers and their communities to form the Association for Culturally Appropriate Services. She was appointed to the NAATI Board in November 2014. She is a founding member, Fellow and former National President of the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators. As a long-term carer, she developed practical national, State, and local programs for service providers with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) clients.
Mary will share her national research into the use of language services by aged care providers and issues that were highlighted.
Fatih Karakas
Head of Training - All Graduates Interpreting and Translating Services
Fatih is the Head of Training at All Graduates. He has a Master's of Translating and Interpreting from RMIT University, where he also teaches. Fatih has delivered training in Victoria as well as other states across the country for RMIT University, University of NSW and AUSIT. He is particularly interested in teaching interpreting skills as well as ethics and professionalism with a focus on providing non-language specific training via online Learning Management Systems. Fatih is also a NAATI Certified Turkish Interpreter and Translator specialising in legal and healthcare interpreting.
Fatih will present on Video Remote Interpreting Solutions for Aged Care Clients.
Video Remote Interpreting (VRI) is now being widely used around Australia as a remote interpreting option for those requiring language services. This presentation will aim to highlight the advantages, challenges and strategies in VRI for service users and interpreters.
Marcelle James
Director of Aged Care at the WA Country Health Service
Marcelle has been working with WA Country Health Services since October 2019 as Director, Aged Care. Prior to this, Marcelle has worked in community and aged care positions in State Government and not for profit organisations.
Marcelle will cover the following:
Aged CALD demographic across WACHS
Use of interpreter services in WACHS for older people and those in residential aged care
Interpreter services and telehealth
Case study of in using interpreter service for an older person.
Celebrating Culture With Seniors In A Multicultural Australia
Dear Colleagues
We are delighted to invite you to enjoy Kavisha’s performance that uses traditional folk songs to celebrate and engage aaCulturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) seniors.
For a nominal fee of $10 ($5 for members), you can enjoy a continental breakfast as you listen to Kavisha’s amazing voice and stories, register here. Go to The Joys of the Women (1993) clip 1 on ASO - Australia's audio and visual heritage online for some clips from a documentary on “Le Gioie Delle Donne”.
The WA Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2019
Promoting Understanding for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) People
Seminar Panellists
Classic Title
Fatih Karakas
All Graduates
Fatih Karakas is the Head of Training at All Graduates. He also teaches Translation and Interpreting at RMIT University. Fatih is particularly interested in teaching T&I with a focus on providing non-language specific training via online Learning Management Systems. He is also a NAATI certified Turkish Interpreter and Translator.
On 19 June 2019, the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017 came into effect in Victoria. Fatih Karakas will present on the experiences of Victorian Interpreters in VAD settings since the introduction of the act, analysing how practitioners have been involved, how their involvement affected them and what kind of support they received pre and post assignment.
Classic Title
Sabena Lund
Palliative Care WA
Sabena Lund is Community Education and Projects Officer with Palliative Care WA. Trained as a counselling psychologist, Sabena is passionate about supporting people to live as well as they can, and to have a say in their care at the last stage of life.
This Presentation will cover the role of palliative care in helping someone who has an active, progressive, advancing illness to manage their symptoms and to have as much quality of life as possible. It will also cover the importance of planning for future care.
Classic Title
Haydn Rigby
ECU - School of Business and Law
Haydn was admitted to legal practice in WA in 1988 and has divided his time between practicing law and academic. Haydn has practiced in almost all areas of law including wills, probate and guardian issues. he is currently a full time lecturer at ECU's School of Business and Law.
Haydn will give a brief overview of the VAD legal framework before addressing some of the legal challenges that may arise for Interpreters and Translators within that framework. These include legal compliance and reporting requirements generally as well as, more specifically, how translators may effectively convey legal concepts when explaining the VAD process to persons whose cultures do not easily embrace western legal thinking.
Classic Title
Dr. Simon Towler
WA Department of Health
Simon is a staff specialist in intensive care and Clinical Lead for End of Life Care, Department of Health. In this role, Simon is involved in the implementation of key commitments made by the WA Government including the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2019 and recommendations regarding advance health directives and advance care planning.
Simon will provide an introduction to the Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2019, including patient eligibility criteria, discussing the topic of voluntary assisted dying and an overview of the process to access voluntary assisted dying. The presentation will also provide an overview of where health professionals and individuals can go for more information and support.
Classic Title
Mary Gurgone
Association for Culturally Appropriate Services (AfCAS)
Mary Gurgone, Director of the Centre for Capability and Culture, has extensive experience in the Government, private sector and community. As Director of the WA Partners In Culturally Appropriate Care(2016-2020), she supported ethnic care providers and their communities to form the Association for Culturally Appropriate Services. She was appointed to the NAATI Board in November 2014. She is a founding member, Fellow and former National President of the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators.
As a long-term carer, she developed practical national, State and local programs for service providers with culturally and linguistically diverse(CALD) clients.
Mary will focus CALD community perspectives in in WA, taking into account family carers’ experiences and the multicultural and multilingual nature of WA families.
Come to the Migrant Aged Care Jobs Forum for Graduates (Across Disciplines) to network and hear from senior staff from four aged care providers, specifically Juniper, MYVISTA, Chung Wah Community Aged Care and Umbrella.
The forum involving the four organisations will include:
- The CEO or senior representative of each organisation providing an overview of key culturally appropriate services provided in their organisations and the kinds of jobs that are in demand in the foreseeable future in their organisations.
- An employee of each organisation with diverse qualifications providing an overview of how they obtained their job in the organisation and the job-satisfaction and challenges of working in aged care.
- Question and answer sessions with the presenters.
- Personal discussions with the presenters and other aged care representatives.
- A chance to grow your network and gain exposure to potential job opportunities.
Refreshments will be provided.
2020 Research Forum on Ageing
Social Ageing and Care Workforce: Opportunity, Diversity and Training
Thursday 17th December, 9:15-3:30, UWA IQX venue, Broadway, Nedlands
You are invited to the 2020 Research Forum on Ageing. The morning panel features the latest research on the importance of Arts, Music and Active Engagement to ageing well. The afternoon panel features ageing and aged care workforce issues, including a workshop on continuing education for career progression for the aged care sector and beyond. Hosted by the UWA Social Care and Ageing (SAGE) Living Lab, in collaboration with LG Professionals WA Age Friendly Communities Network; Association for Culturally Appropriate Servies(AfCAS); MYVISTA - Retirement and Aged Care Living; North Metropolitan TAFE; and the UWA Public Policy Institute.
The first panel is offered in a 'blended' conference format for both in-person participants and Zoom webinar attendees.
Get a copy of the Webinar on “Aged Care Services & COVID-19
responses in Japan and Australia” by registering at https://www.surveymonkey.com/user/sign-in/?ut_source=homepage&ut_source3=megamenu